Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The mother of all storms

Like most people in the state we experienced a huge electrical storm at our farm last week. The power fluctuated on and off, the dog went berserk and the Internet and phone lines went down. Our Internet has been down all week so I have been unable to blog. Lightening strikes destroyed our air-con, washing machine and TV. Richard was only able to go without TV for about 2 hours. He went out and replaced our old TV with a ridiculously sized plasma screen. It is way too big for our teeny tiny house but Richard loves it. I have been without a washing machine all week but apparently that is OK. Yesterday while in Perth I bought a new one. Hopefully our insurance will cover all the damage. Lets hope that the rain continues for all the farmers and those dependant on it.

A few pics from Play Group

Last Thursday the kids at Play Group made Easter baskets. It was the first time that I have seen them all seated and totally engaged in the art experience. They were gorgeous to watch.

Noah with his little friend Ruby

Thanks Morris

Our little friend Morris decided it was time that he part with his little Thomas trains and work tools. His Mum made him clean out some of his toys and he thought it would be nice to give them to Noah. Noah absolutely loves his "new" toys and he plays with them regularly. Thank you Morris; you are so kind.

healthy breakfast

This is Noah raiding Nanna Dee's biscuit barrel at 6:45am. When he saw that I was coming he shoved as many as he could in his mouth.


Noah and I went to the dentist in South Perth on Friday. My Mum recommended that I see this particular dentist as my cousin Chondelle use to work there as a dental nurse. Mum also said that the dentist Stephan was really nice. As soon as we walked in the receptionist made us feel so welcome. Noah felt so welcome in fact that he made himself right at home at her desk. Her name was Stacey and she was so beautiful with Noah. She played with him the whole time I had my check-up. It turns out I need a total of 7 fillings, 3 wisdom teeth + one other tooth removed under general anesthetic and braces on my top & bottom teeth. Whoopsie!!!! I also want them whitened after I have the braces removed. As you can imagine the cost of all this will be astronomical. Richard has threatened me that if I go ahead with all the dental work then the trip to America for Christmas may be off. Perhaps I will have to wait until next year before I become a fully fledged metal mouth. I just want perfect teeth. Maybe I will have to go back to work. Any one want their windows washed or something like that??????????????????????

What a clever little chook

You wouldn't believe it.....One of our little hens has started to lay eggs. Noah was pretty excited when he discovered an egg laying on the ground next to one of the nests. He went up with Richard to feed the chooks the food scraps and he came back with one very dirty little egg. He carried it all the way home so he could show me. As soon as he saw me he threw the egg at the ground. I think we will be investing in a little egg basket for Noeeeee to carry the eggs home in!!

Our friend Michelle

One of my Mum's very good friends flew over from Queensland last week. We caught up with her on Saturday and we took her to Noah's favourite place; The Rose Farm. It was so great to see her and hear all about her boys (Michelle has 4 sons aged from 11-20yrs) and her life in the Bay. Michelle lives in Hervey Bay where I use to live until I was 9 years old. She will always be a very special friend!!!

Sheep work

Noah absolutely adores going with Richard to check the sheep, clean out the sheep troughs and move the sheep from paddock to paddock. In these pictures they were moving the sheep to a more sheltered paddock, with scrub and tall trees, to help protect the sheep from the impending storm.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Perth time

At the Rose Farm
Huge Koi fish & ducks
Feeding the fish

Pretty roses that Noah mangled

The Rose Farm is so pretty & relaxing

Getting out the cat food to feed Nanna's cats

Here puss
Nanna & Noah out for Thai

New threads
At Thai restaurant
Happy B'day Dave

Waiting for the train at Bayswater station

Fascinating hey Noah
On the train with Nanna
All this shopping is hard work

Richard has been in Perth/Rockingham for the last couple of weeks trying to sort out some fertilizer business so I decided last week that Noah and I would head down to Perth also. We arrived here Wednesday lunch time and we have been pretty busy. Richard stayed with us at Mum's house on Thursday night while on his way home to Tammin. While he was here we took Noah out to the Rose Farm near Mum & Roger's house. It is one of our favourite places to go. We often go there for coffees and to over indulge. Noah loves feeding the fish. Noah and I have dedicated many hours to shopping over the last couple of days. I am fabulous at shopping however Noah is not!!! Mum, Noah and I stayed at Janet's house over the weekend while she and her husband David went down to Margaret River. We had to look after Janet's little dog Sascha; whom by the way Janet is totally obsessed with. Sascha has been diagnosed with Elzimers (not joking) and a dodgy heart. We were instructed to take very good care of her. Mum accidentally stood on her when we took her for a walk and Noah spent the weekend chasing her with push-a-long toys. Today Mum and I thought it would be nice to take Noah on the train to the city. He loved the train ride and to our surprise he was an angel all day. This arvo we visited my Pop Gordon and his wife Mary at their house in Kalamunda. They couldn't believe how much Noah had grown. At present Noah is out side helping Nanna and Roger water their garden. I can hear Nanna Dee tell Noah off for squirting her with the house. Noah is growling back at his Nanna....Time to get my child under control I think.

Monday, March 15, 2010

kids kids kids

Snack time..... keeps all the kids still and quiet!

Harrison Hammond

Sienna & Jasper
Oh please Sienna; as if you are shy!


Noah, Jasper, Sienna & Lily

Sienna looks exactly like her Mum did when she was a child!

Cute kids

Noah and I had a day (& night) out on Saturday. It was great to catch up with friends. Richard was playing bowls so he couldn't come. Again no photos of anyone over 5 years of age; but plenty of cute kids!!!