Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Downright Gorgeous

I have tried to include photos you have not yet seen on Facebook. What a great looking bunch. 

Is it any wonder Addi liked playing in this old room? She had access to pearls, perfume, make-up and her mother's undivided attention. Addi will be wanting a photo shoot every weekend I think.  

 Pretty fitting photos considering Shell is a hairdresser.

 Had to include this one again but in colour.
 oh and this one!

If I am lucky enough to get two sons I will be stoked if I get a photo of them together like this. Typical Jasper pose but that's why I like it so much.

 An actual train went past which Austin thought was fantastic. Jasper was not so much a fan. 

 Those eyes are gorgeous
 4 out of 5 with their eyes open = not bad!!!
 A real 'Mum' portrait this one!!!
 I told you croppies were big around here!

Love this one. Shell with her three. I think this photo says so much about what it is like to be a Mum with three small kids. Shell's life has been crazy busy over the past 3 years but I know she wouldn't have it any other way. See Jappy doing the subtle sneaky bite; love it!!
 Shell with her precious first born Austy Bear
Good one Addi!

Just had to include these last two photos. They are not the best photos but there is a story behind them. In the above photo I am telling the boys off. See how Austin responds, his face says it all!

Now below check out how Jasper responds. He is actually telling me off because I told them off. If you have met these kids you will know how funny this is, if you haven't met them then I dare you to go toe to toe with Jasper.

I hope you like these photos Shell and Leigh as much as I like hanging around you all xoxo

Friday, November 18, 2011

Perfect dog

To all of you who think you own the best dog in the world I am sorry, you don't. WE have the best dog in the whole world. We love our Bonnie. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Willy Wonker week

We are now harvesting

For the first time ever Noah ripped one of his books up. He never even did this as a baby. Consequently.....

Noah's books have been confiscated until next Tuesday. Maybe I am too hard core but it really made me wild!
He is on a dry cracker diet. My child is one that asks for food about every 4 minutes. He is a bottomless pitt and it is a full time job trying to keep food up to him. After feeding him all day long I just about flip out when Richard arrives home from a hard days work and asks what's for dinner?

Rochelle gave me this idea: give him a dry cracker every time he asks for food unless of course it is breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner. She said he would get sick of eating them and would soon stop asking for something to eat. I am trying to be disciplined and stick to this regiment. Noah is not a fan but I think it is starting to work. Rochelle asked me recently "how is cracker boy going?" Too funny!!!!

 Got some tatts

 Got some cute little muscles too
Noah picked himself out a bright pink shearing singlet from the shearing shop in Northam on Tuesday. There was a huge selection of colours to choose from but Noah would not be swayed. He wanted the bright pink one.

 Getting grubby

Still chooses to wear very little clothing. Noah picked out these Ben 10 jocks from the shop. Who the heck is this Ben 10 dude and why is he so popular? All the Mum's I know say it is total crap. Can you see he is quite delighted to be holding a sweet biscuit rather than the dry cracker variety.
 Playing around with my boys (and hens)

Posing like a newborn. Eat your heart out again Anne Geddes!!
Apparently my hair makes me look like Willy Wonker. I asked Noah if he liked my haircut and he said "you look like Willy Wonker". How fabulous. I happen to like it. I didn't even bother asking Richard. I know he likes it long and simple. Aka: boring!!! These photos were taken using the self-timer on my camera. 
I couldn't believe it when I uploaded these picks onto the computer. I see so much of my Mum in me. I have always looked like my Dad but as I am getting older I look more like my Mum. Maybe it is the short hair.
 Playing around with a flimsy tripod and self-timer = tricky but worth the effort.