Wednesday, April 28, 2010


ooo la la... Guess who has builders @ their house?

Standing in the new sunken lounge looking up to the dinning room. Old wall on the left has since been removed.
The backyard: left side is the new office & right side is the new pantry
Standing in the dinning room looking down into sunken lounge
Looking up into the new dinning area and you can see the door to the new office
New pantry & office

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where did you get that hat?

The lid off Nanna Dee's bin. yuk

Farm pics

The first of our baby lambs have arrived. The ewe above had just delivered twins. I wasn't allowed to get too close. This year I would love another pet lamb but Richard says no way. I am sure I can make him change his mind.


A few days ago I found Noah walking up and down the hallway with this bottle saying "juice juice juice juice juice." On closer inspection you will see it was actually..............
The turps has now been moved to a higher shelf.

You little ANZAC

I will be forever grateful to those men & women who fought so bravely and sacrificed their own lives to give me the greatest gift ever........MY FREEDOM. You WILL be remembered.

Noah with an ANZAC biscuit

Noah with his Nanna Margaret at the ANZAC service in town

Nup Dad, no rain


A huge congratulations to our friends Tom & Emma on the safe arrival of their beautiful baby boy Samuel. We are so happy that you finally have a beautiful little baby in your lives. Noah and I visited them in hospital and I must say baby Samuel was definitely worth the wait. Perfectly chubby and 100% adorable.

My Frank

Sorry Frank
The 6 horney rams that Frank now lives with

My pet sheep Frank has been banished to the paddock along side our house. After two years of roaming free Richard decided it was time that Frank went to live in the paddock with our rams. I feel sorry for Frank but I guess he kinda had it coming. Over two years Frank destroyed hundred of dollars worth of plants and countless boom spray nozzles. He was also pretty good at helping himself to our stockpile of hay. He still always comes to me when I call him; he will always be my baby.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tammin Hockey Girls

This year I decided to play hockey again after having two years off while I was pregnant, breastfeeding and boring. While I had a break from hockey I thought that I wasn't missing much. Man was I wrong. Since coming back to play I realise how much I missed not only the game but also the girls.
Our team ranges in age and skill level but the mix of personalities is fabulous. Tammin, for as long as I can remember, has always done very well in hockey and they have always had a reputation of partying hard after games. I think they set the "party hard" benchmark that other teams in our association now like to follow.
We are yet to play a fixtured match but last weekend we played in the round robin carnival which opened the season. Dowerin won the carnival but because they are not in our East Avon Association; Tammin actually won the shield. GO TAMMIN
This Saturday we take on our neighbouring town Cunderdin at Tammin oval. Fingers crossed for a win. Regardless of the score I know I will be having fun playing for a team that I love.
Now where did I put that heat pack???????

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The past couple of weeks

Happy 2nd wedding anniversary

Our anniversary was spent shearing. We always do our crutching around this time of year, just before the lambs are born. We should have little lambs in 2 weeks time. I can't wait!


Richard sorting and then throwing the good wool into the bale

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hi Nanna

Hope you are having fun in Melbourne without us. You should have taken us with you. Thanks for my PJs. They are warm. Miss you xoxo

The reward system

Noah gets stickers @ potty time. If you didn't already notice......Noeeee did very well on the potty tonight.

The missing poo

Between getting out of the shower with me and having his nappy put on Noah did a poo somewhere. I did not realise that he had done one until I went to put his nappy on and he had a dirty bum. Richard and I asked him "Noah where did you do the poo?" He thought it was a great joke. We still don't know where he did it (it may be outside somewhere on the veranda) but every now and again I get a slight whiff of it and I start searching again. If you can't tell already; poos and wees are quite a big deal in our house at the moment!!!!

Just after we gave up on searching!!

My kinda morning

For me there is nothing more beautiful and uplifting then watching my baby boy paint, even if he looks incredibly dorky!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Noah's typing skills

ccccccmmbn ZCFXXCHNRDHN EHN EUHJN SJJMN ZJM Z kgjjj4444444444444444g 2jj,aj,nnnnnnnnn````````z z A2Qnnnnnz nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn`

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My little monkey is getting clever

Noah is starting to 'work the system'. He is getting really clever at trying to get himself out of trouble. Noah has worked out that if you do something naughty (i.e. smack Mummy in the face) and then follow it up with something good (i.e. thousands of kisses) then you usually won't get in as much trouble.
In this photo Noah had just poured about 20 litres (slight exaggeration) of bath water onto the floor. When I was trying to tell him off he kept putting his head under water to show me how good he was at swimming. He knows that I like him putting his head under as I think it is clever. When he came up he was clapping his hands as if to say how wonderful he was. He was shocked when I still continued to tell him off for the water on the floor.

Here Noeee is dragging away my ironing pile as I was trying to iron it. He had been pulling at my leg for over half an hour to go play with him. After ignoring him for a bit too long he must have thought "well I'll fix her; I'll steal the ironing."

Putting the ironing in the bath????? Not too sure what that was all about.

Last photo is of Noah playing the trumpet (aka: funnel for fuel)