Sunday, August 29, 2010


Nice shoes Noeeeee

A beer in the bush

Noah with a jar of his old baby food. We took it so he could feed the lizards lizards to be seen; in fact no wild life what so ever.

My favourite. What a classic.

Staying at Nanna & Pa's

Noah with Fin
Yay Noah is nice to Fin now. He loves his cousin Fin.

Noah with Lyndal's girlfriend George.

Nanna Den with her boys in matching outfits.

Still the most placid baby I have ever met. So beautiful and happy all the time.

I put this bad photo in because I thought Noah looks like POPEYE here.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The cutest little Gruffalos

Austy with his book week dress-up costume



Friends for life

Sally and I have been friends for 22 years. We have spent more years apart than actually together. Distance and time have not changed a thing about our friendship. Words can't explain how much I love my friend Sal & her little girl Aez so I will let the photos do the talking.

Sal, Aez & Pro (Sal's husband)

I was Sally's bridesmaid (Sydney 2008)


Aezriel flower girl at my wedding (QLD 2008).

Of course Sally was my bridesmaid.

Sally & Gwen visited us in WA. We cried every time we had to say goodbye.

My very first experience with alcohol & smokes....BAD influence Sal.

Our Mums are best friends too. Our Dads just had to hang out together as they didn't really get a say in the matter. We spent so much time together between the ages of 5 & 9 when my family lived in Hervey Bay QLD. We rarely ever had fights but we did have a tonne of fun. Cane toad hunting, dancing, cubby making, swimming, dressing Blake up as girl, wicked holidays together, failed attempts at learning to play Netball, lolly shopping and doll playing. I can only hope that my children will be as blessed as I have been and make a special friend while growing up.

Our first day of school

Thanks for Noah's birthday present xoxox

Sunday, August 22, 2010

5 reasons why I love him so much

#1 his imagination

The past couple of weeks have been very entertaining around here. Noah's imagination is starting to develop and it is quite hilarious. For the past week I have been finding Lego men in the most obscure places, toy soldiers in the toilet, toy saucepans with sand in his bedroom and countless pretend cups of tea everywhere. Tea parties are HUGE at the moment; they occur mainly in the cubby still but also in the bath and this morning I was lucky enough to have Noah offer me a "tup oh tea" while I was in the toilet (I declined by the way). When out Noah often says "ome now" = "home now" as he is eager to get back to his Lego and other little projects he has on the go. Dinner time sees noodle snakes fighting with carrot cats and often Noah's cutlery does lap work around his plate, complete with the best car noises I have ever heard!!! We also have several characters from various television programs residing down our bath plug hole. Great.......he has also started lying too!

2nd time I found them in the toilet. I asked Noah "are they having a swim?" Noah said they were sleeping.

OK so this one was actually his father's....Naughty boy!
#2 because he shows off so good

#3 because he pushes me to my absolute limits

He has a bit of an obsession with power points at the moment. It just so happens I was looking back at old photos with my camera when I caught him in action. Quick photo taken before he got majorly busted!
All food must now be served on tooth picks... What the????????

Playing in Dad's shed. I let him play for a bit but then it gets totally boring up there. I swear Noah knows that I hate it up there so he deliberately drags out the whole experience. A tantrum is often thrown between the shed and our house on the walk/drag home.

#4 his sense of humour
Noah's sense of humour is developing too. A few weeks ago I asked him to bring me his bib but instead he brought me a bowl. I said to him "Mummy said a bowl not a bib" and next thing Noah was giggling. He thought it was funny that he completely misheard what I had said. Phrases like "silly billy" are absolutely hilarious and toilet humour is also pretty funny to Noah. I also hear him laughing at television shows and he enjoys watching Australia's Funniest Home Video Show as a treat on Saturday night.
Pictured here being unbelievably funny

#5 because he is MINE and near on perfect in my eyes!