Thursday, May 2, 2013

daily part iv

I have hit struggle town with these photos and this little project. I am so sick of taking these photos and I am totally over shooting this project portrait format. I am sticking with it.......just. I need some more offspring to photograph and some inspiration!

 91 / 5:15pm - smell my feet 

 92 / 5:18pm - melon patch kid

 93 / 12:54pm - threw a party for boo

 94 / 9:38am - wishing mum would totally disappear 

 95 / 5:22pm - alex over

 96 / 2:41pm - post Alex over 

 97 / 7:47pm - flying angry bird 

 98 / 10:24am - fruit kebab

99 / 10:17am - matchie 

100 / 12:36pm - hello pear 

 101 / 4:10pm - karri valley swim 

 102 / 4:53pm - friendly visitor 

 103 / 3:46pm - our lake 

 104 / 11:19am - gloucester tree 

 105 / 7:51am - bonnie's bed head 

 106 / 8:59am - ready to hit the shops with dee 

 107 / 9:01am - miss bonnie 

 108 / 7:52pm - should we go get an ice cream noah?

 109 / 11:46am - coffee stop @ the rose farm

 110 / 4:32pm - fridge pick up good guys 

 111 / 5:37pm - big day setting up roger's surprise party 

 112 / 11:20am - fish feeder 

 113 / 9:50am - looking like a character from super mario bros 

 114 / 3:42am - his idea, not mine 

 115 / 5:45pm - bonnie love 

 116 / 6:33pm - one drop 

 117 / 4:32pm - testing the new couch out 

 118 / 5:02 - obsessed with the new couch 

  119 / 5:11pm - rain on the horizon 

120 / 12:02pm - they flower for 3 weeks of the year 

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