Saturday, May 29, 2010

Noah + Sadie

awww holding hands

yum yum yum

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My Aunty Julie just sent this photo through to me tonight. It was taken a while ago when she looked after Noah for me. Apparently he was so tired that he fell asleep on the couch while talking to Uncle Phillip. I thought it was pretty cute.

HBF run for a reason + Noah chokes

Last Sunday Mum and I took part in the HBF fun run. We did the 14km walk around Perth city. We met up with Roger's sister Jenny and we walked with her. These photos were taken in the Graham Farmer Tunnel. I guess it was pretty cool to walk through the tunnel but if I had to do it again I think I would try to do the 4.5km course and run so I could get it over and done with quicker.
Roger looked after Noah for me while I did the walk and apparently he nearly choked on a bit of plastic from the end of a toy drill. Noah is forever putting this particular toy in his mouth and turning it on. Roger said he told Noah not to do it but Noah, being the nearly two year old that he is, continued to do it. Next thing a bit came off in his mouth and was stuck in his throat. Roger said Noah was gagging and before he knew it he could see the plastic bit sliding down Noah's throat. Noah then vomited all over Nanna Dee's mat (poor Roger had to clean it up). The plastic bit was not in the vomit and I have not seen it in any of his nappies yet either. I forgot to tell Nanna Margaret to look out for it in his dirty nappies today. Luckily Noah is OK. I feel sorry for Roger that Noah gave him such a fright. In a way I am glad that I wasn't there because I imagine watching a child choke would be terrifying. I think I owe Roger a beer or two!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

"And an old rocking chair"

Noah and I went bargain hunting (don't die of shock Mum) last time we were in Perth. We went through all those little second hand stores in Guilford and we found the sweetest little cane rocking chair. It probably could do with a coat of paint but Noah loves it all the same.

Teddy Bears Picnic

Today Noah and I went to a Teddy Bears Picnic at Kellerberrin Playgroup. It was pretty cute watching the kids play or "lack of play" when it was their turn in games. Noah decided that he wanted to take Little Ted to the picnic......Noah still loves his Play School!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thanks Aunty Brooke xoxo

Last Tuesday a package arrived for Noah all the way from Kununurra. Brooke had sent Noah some of the most beautiful books I have ever seen along with two gorgeous singlets. Thanks so much Brooke we love all of it. Did you make the singlets?

Happy Birthday Nanna Margaret

Richard, Noah, Margaret & John

Tonight Noah worked out how to blow out a candle which was pretty cute

Richard trying out his new farm weighing equipment. He was looking around saying "what else can I test it out on?" and then he spotted Noah. We all wanted to see how much Noah weighed so............

Richard hooked him up by the loop on the back of his jeans and let him dangle for a while.......

13.72 kgs. What a big boy!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A melt down

Every Tuesday Noah goes to his Nanna Margaret's house while I go to work. Noah has decided that he no longer needs to have a day sleep while he is at Nanna's house. Because Noah's Nanna is so nice to him and she caters to his every demand Noah does not have to have a sleep. When we got home Noah was a total nightmare. He is so good for her all day and then when he sees me he loses the plot. I am however happy to put up with the bad behaviour on Tuesday nights because I know that he has had a wonderful time at his Nanna's house.

This photo was taken just before Noah totally lost the plot. I had to put his paddling pool, cups & saucers, tooth brush and a pair of his shoes in the shower just so he would hop in. Talk about demanding!!

Noah crawling off dripping wet. I had to include this photo because I think it is the cutest little tushi ever.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am not afraid anymore

Noah has overcome his fear of dinosaurs. This happened a few Sundays ago when his cousins were over. Noah saw Austin and Jasper playing with the dinosaur so I guess he thought that he should be playing with it too.

Taking time off to play blocks

Richard being really enthusiastic
Noah kicking over Daddy's tower

Let the seeding begin......

We started seeding last Wednesday. So far Richard has finished the lupins, done most of the barley and he has started to seed the wheat. Seeding really is not too stressful for us. Richard will often work longer hours but he is always pretty close to our house so I still get to see him lots and getting meals to him really is not an issue. I am pretty lucky because a lot of women spend seeding cooking their little hearts out to feed their husbands + workmen and kids, while also maintaining a household, working another job and helping their husbands shift machinery.

Richard pulling straw out from under the air-seeder bar to stop blockages.
Noah pulling straw out from under the air-seeder bar because he was copying his Daddy.

Final check and it looks all good. Time to get back in the tractor. Noah has enjoyed a few rides in the tractor with Richard and like most boys his age; Noah is in awe of his Dad and the work he does in his big blue tractor!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mr. Slick

One night last week I gave Noah's hair a really good wash with my L'Oreal Kerastase shampoo & conditioner. It is my favourite smell in the whole world. I couldn't stop smelling him for days. The smell reminds me of Noah's birth as I used it in the shower after I had just given birth to him. I love how certain smells remind me of things.

Look Sally it finally fits xxxx

Caz & the ferret

A few years ago the Tammin hockey girls inherited this stuffed little rodent from my mother in-law Margaret. The ferret has been worn by all of us at some stage and it is the most revolting thing ever. After our game on Saturday Caz had to wear the ferret; she got use to it after a while. Caz is playing for us for another month or so before moving on. She is from England and she is making her way around Australia. We have been lucky to have her play for us as she is a good player and really nice too. So far we have had two wins and one draw. GO TAMMIN

It's the thought that counts

Happy Mothers Day. I got a beautiful card, a water melon (from our garden) and a flower.

Richard and Noah took me out to lunch in York.

What Noah made for me @ Playgroup

Noah pulling my flower to bits

My beautiful card complete with scribbles & stickers

Feeding the sheep

Checking Frank's fleece

Guess who still fits in the baby sling?

How to make mud

Not the most exciting news for everyone else but for Noah this was amazing; working out how to make mud. He was in his cubby nearly all day mixing water and sand together to make gooey concoctions which were plastered every where. Fun times.

A short break from mud play

Going down the ladder (the wrong way still!) to fetch some more water

Mix mix mix