HBF run for a reason + Noah chokes
Last Sunday Mum and I took part in the HBF fun run. We did the 14km walk around Perth city. We met up with Roger's sister Jenny and we walked with her. These photos were taken in the Graham Farmer Tunnel. I guess it was pretty cool to walk through the tunnel but if I had to do it again I think I would try to do the 4.5km course and run so I could get it over and done with quicker.
Roger looked after Noah for me while I did the walk and apparently he nearly choked on a bit of plastic from the end of a toy drill. Noah is forever putting this particular toy in his mouth and turning it on. Roger said he told Noah not to do it but Noah, being the nearly two year old that he is, continued to do it. Next thing a bit came off in his mouth and was stuck in his throat. Roger said Noah was gagging and before he knew it he could see the plastic bit sliding down Noah's throat. Noah then vomited all over Nanna Dee's mat (poor Roger had to clean it up). The plastic bit was not in the vomit and I have not seen it in any of his nappies yet either. I forgot to tell Nanna Margaret to look out for it in his dirty nappies today. Luckily Noah is OK. I feel sorry for Roger that Noah gave him such a fright. In a way I am glad that I wasn't there because I imagine watching a child choke would be terrifying. I think I owe Roger a beer or two!!!
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