Saturday, September 29, 2012

I thought Jade trees brought you luck?


A few nights ago I sorted through some of Noah's memories and updated his baby book. I can't believe we are nearly at the end of his baby books, they end at five years of age. In my everyday general life I live very minimally - if it's not used CHUCK IT - if it's broken CHUCK IT - if it's out of fashion CHUCK IT. But when it comes to Noah..... I can't chuck out a single thing. We have birthday party invites, brochures from holidays, airline tickets, train tickets, zoo passes, swimming certificates, cinema tickets, visas, concert pamphlets, eye goggles he wore as a newborn with jaundice, medical bracelets, pregnancy test from when I fell with him & quite literally hundreds and hundreds of photos. I am getting more sentimentle as I get older & so like my Mum.  


There is so much fakeness in Noah's smile of late which I just can't stand!!! It makes me so happy when I do manage to capture a natural looking smile like the one below.

Friday, September 28, 2012

one year of DSLR photography

Cold snap

Yesterday I spent time teaching Addi how to convince her Daddy to take her to the snow. We are all counting on you Addi to get the ball rolling for an awesome snow trip together next Winter. Remember to smile when you ask him ok!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Gag Bag

Mostly been at home. Mostly been playing with all the gags that Dad brought home from Mingenew Field Day.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What am I doing and where am I headed?

I am working pretty hard on becoming a professional photographer. Lately I have been lucky enough to dabble in some corporate photography work and I while I must admit the money side of it can be quite good - it is a killer for creativity and artistic flair. So far I have learned basically what I don't want to do in this industry rather than what I do want to do. I have assisted Kate Raston from Iris photography at a couple of weddings - which I thoroughly enjoyed & I will also be second shooting for another friend and mentor Ngarie Humphries in a few weeks. Although I adore the meet & greet and creativity side of weddings, the time constraints and constant pressure to nail shots is tough. So basically that leaves me with child/family photography - which I think suits my personality and creative visions. I find it hard to believe that one day I will have my very own professional blog/site + portfolio of images out there for everyone to scrutinise. I know that I do not want to actually begin shooting professionally - which also  means charging accordinally - until I am 100% ready. I am getting there slowly. I am so close - yet still so far.

Please clink on the links if you would like to see examples of the head shots I did for Slater & Gordon Lawyers (not all of the head shots are my work). Not a bad gig for my first corporate job. Can you imagine how scared I was heading into the CBD to photograph a bunch of lawyers (who were all nice by the way). Like most industries this is one where 'it's not what you know but who you know'!!! Your images do however need to speak for themselves.

It is pretty cool to see your work out there on other websites.

Weekend @ Nanna & Pa's

Noah and I had a lovely weekend in the Swan Valley with my Dad & Den. I really do love how each of Noah's Grandparents (he has a shit load) expose him to totally different experiences, personalities & lifestyles. We are very lucky that between them all - they really do have all the bases covered!!!

It is only fair that my Dad & Den be the ones who expose Noah to lighting fires and cooking camp ovens in the backyard - My Dad did this regulalrly for my brother and I when we were growing up. Dad is quite the entertainer when it comes to camp ovens & any thing bushy or blokey! 
Such an Australian image - camp fire, clothes line & palm trees.

Little Mister Fin was at Nanna & Pa's too

On Sunday Den took us to her friends' property to show us around. I have been asking to go out there for a while as I knew there would be some good photo ops. Dad & Den's friends have recently enetered the thoroughbred breeding cicuit and I wish them all the best with their brave venture. I personally am not a horse lover, but even I felt the grandness & magic of the place. The stable walls are painted in gold metallic paint - the driveways are lined with thousands of dollars worth of Jacaranda trees, which will no doubt be spectacular come Summer! Gold Front is the only (or one of very few) companies to breed thoroughbreds in WA - heres hoping they produce a melbourne Cup winner in the near future. Happy 'hob knobbing' with Gai Waterhouse Sue!!!!!!

What's up with the bump on the nose? This horse would want hope it's fast cause it's ugly
ooooo I like this one though
This was a bit cute
Because a certain someone is FOUR at our house
Where the magic happens - the money making machine/cell
Nanna Den with her two boys
Forty-something horse stables within this shed

New foals

Mr. Cute
Noah always asks Richard to help him with the Lego. Noah does a runner after 2 minutes and Richard is always left on his own.

Finally found time to hang Richard's Fathers Day presents on the wall.